Sunday, 27 March 2011

Moving school

We found a better place to do the second course, so saddle up and here
we go!

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

New students arrive

Evalcin is standing listening to Ton who explaines a new group of
possible students what is expected of them today.

We will be interviewing them and they will be writing all day.

In the beginning of April we will start with the next course. Maybe
some of these students will be among the chosen ones.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Aristide back in Haiti

The class gathers around the little television set on the porch to see what former president Jean-Bertrand Aristide has to say on his arrival in Haiti after 7 years in forced exile in South-Africa.

Aristide was mostly talking about being thankful to be back in his country. He did not say anything about the reason of his return at this moment in time.

The students have mixed feelings about this timing, because they wonder what the effect will be on the presidential election coming Sunday.